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Easy Lady Dress - Gingham

Easy Lady Dress - Gingham

定價 $1,291.00 TWD
定價 $2,878.00 TWD 售價 $1,291.00 TWD
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每人都需要一條可以駕馭不同風格的連身裙,而今次的可持續發展系列 EASY LADY DRESS 係ONE-SIZED的,起碼第一波今次會係ONE-SIZED.。一條鬆身/綁帶兩穿各有風味,簡單實質不平凡的連身裙。

• 上身部分的收摺位令即使鬆身穿著時都會有收腰嘅效果。下裙擺部分的收摺位亦加強了腰線的位置,拉長下身比例。

• 店主為了加強優雅感都一直想縫製飄逸的長裙,大方地使用了不少布料去造就飄逸但有垂墜感的下半身。近腰部分以疊加方式收摺,避免過分臃腫

當然兩旁必備 • 裙袋,後背無痕拉鍊,另外更有 • 腰帶附上。

Although it's a one-sized dress at this moment, we wish to provide more options for all of you in the future. Let's start to talk about this amazing sleeveless dress that can be worn loosely based or with a waistband. A presentable elegant look and casually lady-like outfit.

First of all, the 2 well-sewed folds in the front.
• Top part has 2 folds sewed below the chest area that help narrow down the waistline. Bottom part has the another 2 as the reflected folds for same purpose, as well as pulling a better ratio for the bottom.

The 2 X-shaped folds make the waistline naturally strained even without the waistband.

Then, we have the floaty but not too puffy skirt.
• In order to enhance the elegant vibe for this dress, we've been working hard on having this floaty skirt pattern made. After few trials, we decide to use more fabric to have this floaty and drape part stand out.

Last but not least, handy pockets on both sides, an unviable zipper at the back and the waistband along with each purchase.
