Smarties Bag - Product Story

Smarties Bag - Product Story

想要一個使用的上班公事包必然首要條件是大容量且足夠尺寸。基本的配置例如A4/folder都可以輕鬆容納。這次更加添置了數之不盡的暗格/收納空間,日常小物等輕鬆分類,方便又整齊。 上肩帶又帶底延伸,巧妙令使用時更往身體集中,不再擔心變形或東歪西倒。圓角及包邊做法使支架更堅固,不易變形。另外亦會附送小店每次必提的斜背帶,corss-body是必須的!長時間使用或負重,斜背帶可以是一個分擔重量的選擇。可拆除式亦不影響放置時的美感。選用Pu皮革在日常使用時可以更隨性,下雨天也不肉赤啊!


Capacity and size come right to your mind when determining whether a business bag can fit your everyday use or not, and this is one of the ones that can do A4 size. More than six compartments are tailored for our Smarties series to make the idea of more pockets in one bag come true. You can group all those tiny things in different pockets, and tidy bag storage is not perfunctory anymore.





靈感一直都是源自於很多電影中卡其大衣、深色雨傘、滂沱大雨下剛下班拿著公事包避雨的人。經典的沈穩有型的氣質和可靠的知識美都是公事包和英倫風很搭配的氛圍,加上秋意的加持令整個畫面活靈活現。一個經典版型的手拿包可以是馬路上踏實自信的大學生, 或是辦公室內知性勤奮的同事,也可以是咖啡廳旁若有所思的文青。即便大手袋略顯笨重,但或許裝的是一整天下來的靈感和安全感。


一個production background story的分享:

的確日常萬物都是靈感來源,由一開始的隨手寫下文字形容心情、畫面、空間,到後來時代的進步容許我用照片收藏,又到最近重拾中學時用shcedule book的習慣。好想還是紙張的觸感更有實感,更有牽引事物的感覺,手袋裏的碎紙也隨之而越來越多,越來越亂。再亂的手袋也不會有整理手袋的衝動,相信大家是認同的,所以不可否認由一開始便「亂中有序」是有說服力的。可是,一個自己喜歡有滿是間隔的日常用手袋不好找的,倒不如自己做一個,就是指責們隨意的一個idea開始。



To make life easier, the first rule for an everyday bag must be a suitable size for either informal or go-to-work usage. Being a fan of vintage British styling, I have to make myself a lovely briefcase that allows me to dress up even more 90s or vintage vibes.

With the inspiration from many movie scenes, you cannot describe a British fall outfit without a long coat, a black umbrella and a leather briefcase. Imagine the girl running with her brown business bag under the heavy rain, the guy next to the cafe, or the young man rushing over the road and the lady focusing on her work you spotted through the window. A beautiful picture of the coming of autumn is showing in front of you, perfectly matching a classic business bag's intelligent and elegant aura. Maybe it seems like a bulky bag, but it could be the one carrying your inspiration after a long day.


A short sharing of the background story when making this series:

We all can agree that inspiration comes from the basis of daily living. I started from the sketch and draft on random papers to when we were available to capture beautiful things with photos. The texture of paper drags you back to them by letting you know that only the strokes and words on paper give the most potent inspiration. Sooner, this habit brings you a bag of random pieces all around unorganised. While the messy the bag you have, the less intention to tidy it up. So it is true that you should have organised them into groups from the beginning, leading to tailor one for me. 

Although I made it in early 2022, I prefer to launch it in the fall because it presents its best vibe with the gloomy rain and a long coat. I can't wait to style it with knits and coats. 


關於材質-Fabric Selection

選用了新的Pu皮革製作手拿包,考慮到上肩用法很多時都接觸到皮膚,較順手滑溜的表面在舒適度方面更好的提高了。即便保留了順滑的手感也不會捨棄高級的光澤感,也是為什麼手袋視覺質感不廉價的原因。這Pu皮革的材質有著輕微的啞光光澤,配上最暗的黑色也不沈悶,啡色更是環繞著濃厚的復古文藝感。有趣的部分是這次里布的選擇,黑色配藍色的大氣,想用撞色的設計減低全黑的嚴肅感,令內部變亮;啡色裏面是淺色的卡其色,一致色調的一深一淺,也是和諧又柔和的組合。里布的棉布用了斜紋較明顯的,有些許厚度的,在手感上更紮實堅挺,手袋形狀會更好的承托起來。斜紋布和壓印的同色皮革logo也是一個小設計位,提升高級感only哈哈~主要是試了一次後,布的logo tag 就很自然的被冷落一旁······


When considering a replacement for the previous Pu leather, I paid extra attention to the texture and softness of the Pu leather itself. When carrying a medium size shoulder bag, many skin surfaces will be rubbing the bag surface throughout the day. A silky texture can reduce the friction caused and present a better user experience even if the user holds and sandwiches the bag the whole day. However, it doesn't mean sacrificing the glossiness of the fabric. The light shininess makes it less dull, even styling it with all-black outfits, and the brown one gives the feeling of British vintage. The colour of the lining fabric is another point worth mentioning. By pairing the black outer with soft blue lining, the contrast brings out the elegance of blue and black; the bag inner becomes brighter and eye-catching. While for the brown one, I paired the warm-toned brown with a lighter shade of brown, which is in the same colour palette. Combining one darker and one lighter makes the whole brown bag look softer.



簡約流線的設計,圓角減低稜角的嚴肅感,圓滑的溫柔感。長手抽帶又袋底包邊延伸到上方,負重時亦會是包裹包身的效果,更完整的安全感。拉鏈長度也是隻開到側身的1/3高度,試過太低然後消毒酒精居然跳出來了···所以還是做高一點放置比較小的隨身物品一不留神飛彈出來, 尤其你知道急的時候手袋拉鏈其實並沒有拉好哈······

前後方都在包帶範圍空出了收納空間,增加實用性,一些紙張或手機等都可以在不撐開皮革的情況下收納好。內裏也是故意縫製了不少收納格,方便分類各種小物,像card holder、鑰匙、手機相約大小的,通通都可以輕鬆分類,真的做到整齊有條理的。


Smarties Bag promises to accompany a modern professional daily. Streamlined corners and general shapes reduce a lot of the formal style but add a hint of softness. By longing the straps from the bottom, the coverage allows a lighter experience while using, also a sense of safeness. In my personal experience, I dropped my small belongings out of the bag because of a long zipper, which became one of my concerns. Only sew the zipper to the ⅓ height and has enough spacing for opening yet secured enough for whole bag storage. 

Smarties Bag puts minimalism front and back. Both sides of the bag have a few pockets for storage and flexible storage without breasting the fabric. There are compartments available for organising items.

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